The VSA Way

The VSA Way shares stories from our Pacific partners and VSA volunteers working together to achieve their goals. Mā te mahi tahi, ka ora tātou katoa. By working together, all of us can achieve our goals. 

Dipatmen blong Koreksenol Sevis (DBKS) & Rob

Introducing Rob, a dedicated Corrections Rehabilitation Enterprise Adviser working with the Department of Corrections in Dipatmen blong Koreksenol Sevis (DBKS). Rob has forged a strong partnership with Knox, his local counterpart, to enhance the woodworking workshop that plays a vital role in training detainees in carpentry skills. Additionally, his efforts within the facility have facilitated contributions from VSA and the local government, resulting in the renovation of the kitchen area.

Vila Central Hospital & Diane

Meet Diane, a dedicated Pediatric Mental Health Advocate at Vila Central Hospital. Her work focuses on ensuring the mental well-being of children and young people is on par with their physical health. Currently assigned to Vanuatu, she is making a substantial impact, particularly for young individuals like Leroy.

Meet our Performance and Movement Mentor in the Solomon Islands, Ayesha Evans! Ayesha works with the Dreamcast Theatre—a youth art hub that fosters skills among the youth to help them find employment and performance opportunities. Turning art into a message to attain a systematic change in the country has been the long-running vision of Dreamcast.

Introducing Jemma Benoy, a VSA volunteer working alongside our partner organisation, National Referral Hospital (NRH) as a Nurse Education Mentor in the Solomon Islands. Jem joined NRH as a surgical nurse, but along the way, played a huge role in developing a safe system for the patients and the hospital. Although the lack of resources in Honiara was a challenge, she has helped train and teach the nurses on effective ways to reduce wound infections and adopt a practice of aseptic dressing.

Meet our Youth Music Programme Advisor in Vanuatu—Paul Agar! Paul is a New Zealand musician and songwriter who works alongside Wan Smolbag Theatre—a community theatre group that creates awareness and engagement on key issues. Vanuatu has a plethora of talent among youth with a flair for songwriting. Paul is currently working with the team to help them develop and record their upcoming album on climate change.